Great essay!

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this is so good millie!!

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thank you so much!!!! <3

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Loved this! Made me think of meat love by amber Husain which is really good on food, farming, and modern political identity

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oooooh that's very up my street, thank you for the recommendation!

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So interesting! I was literally on a tour of a local creamery this weekend and someone asked about raw milk. The owner said “we used to offer it, someone got sick, we got sued. It’s not worth the risk for us.”

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How about you stop industrially raping cows in general you fat fuck have some water

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Unsurprisingly maybe my favourite of your essays yet. Making a note of all the references to dig into!!

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Also I’ve been recommending this to everyone but Naomi Klein’s Doppelgänger has a great chapter on the wellness-fascism pipeline.

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love clicking on a random article on my explore and finding a Victorian <3 Very good essay loved it. Growing up I never knew I was lactose intolerant because every other Chinese person is too and it's just not on our radars. When I moved to Vic it took 1 lunch (spaghetti with lots of shredded cheese) in the dining hall to get me sent to the nurse's office which led to an immediate 'diagnosis' lol

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